Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Grace at 6 Months

Wow! We have a 6 month old baby! She is still as perfect and as beautiful as she was the day she came into our lives. That's right... 6 months ago today, I cried tears of joy... or maybe it was disbelieve when the doctor announced "It's a girl!"

I truly thought I was going to have another son. Some days I still stare at her in disbelieve and amazement that I have a daughter. Maybe it was that I already had two boys or that my mom has three boys or that two friends of mine were having their third boys around the same time frame... I don't know... but for some reason I had convinced myself that I was having another son. I was content with that thought. Happy actually. I love our boys. They're amazing in their own right. But when that doctor declared it was a girl I just felt the tears run down my cheeks. Must have been all those hormones.
Anyway, she is such a happy girl these days. It has taken me a little while to be able to say that as she was a bit of a fuss budget for the past... um... let's say 4 months. I think she was just trying to break us into the idea of her being the princess in this house. She has suddenly, however, become a really good baby. She sleeps a lot. She eats well... she loves rice cereal and her sweet potatoes. And her reflux issues seem to really be under control. She isn't spitting up nearly as much as she used to and she hardly ever screams out in discomfort like she used to. (Thank goodness!)

She is rolling from front to back and from back to front... all over the place. And she just started to crawl. She gets up on all fours and pushes herself forward.
Of course she is still sliding backwards more often than she actually makes it forwards. But she does on occasion make a few crawling motions in the right direction. And she also wakes up so stinkin happy that her daddy and I can't help but melt and smile back at her when we see her in her crib. She's a great sleeper too. She started sleeping through the night at around 2 months old and has rarely had a night that she's awaken during the night. We are so blessed in that manner! She also is getting really good at putting herself to sleep... comforting herself... finding her pacifier and putting it back in her mouth all on her own.

I love this age. I always have (with each of our children). They're so cute and smiley but aren't going anywhere fast enough to get into a lot of trouble yet (although I think that stage is coming all too soon). Right now, I can't sing baby Grace enough praises.
She's our super baby! We all adore her. She even has the boys wrapped around her tiny fingers. They love to maker her laugh and smile. Samuel brings her toys and doesn't even mind sharing his own toys with her (I'm sure that will change so I'm enjoying that while it lasts).

Tonight we sang "Happy Half Birthday to Grace" at dinner time. She sat there with us just taking it all in. And I just can't help but think that in another 6 months our sweet baby will be celebrating her first birthday. Yikes! Until then we will just try to capture ever moment we can with her and enjoy every new discovery she makes.

We are so thankful for our sweet little blessing and look forward to every day ahead with her adorable smile.

1 comment:

Gloria said...

Awesome pictures! Happy Half Year Birthday Grace! We love you! We miss you!