Wednesday, October 7, 2009

There's a 5 Year Old in the House

We have been keeping busy around here to say the least. I have a bunch of blog entries floating around in my head but actually finding the time to sit down and put them into words here is another story.

Last week, Don was traveling within Germany some and returning many days of that week after the kids were in bed. Benjamin turned 5 during that time frame. We had celebrated his birthday back in Illinois with family and friends when we were there this summer but the actual birthday did not go unnoticed! Benjamin and I picked up a cake for him at the commissary. And, since Daddy wasn't home we used the Internet's to "skype" (or teleconference over the computer) with Grandma Pat and Pappa Harry. We all enjoyed that they were able to partake in the singing and opening of presents they had sent. Too bad they couldn't enjoy the yummy cake as well. According to Benjamin, he was not actually five until he had his cake. Now, apparently, it's official... we have a 5 year old in our house! Which is actually pretty amazing to even type. Where have the past 5 years gone and when did he
turned into such a smart, witty and charming young man? It seems like just yesterday that we were cradling him our arms.

Besides being Benjamin's birthday, last Monday some of our things arrived! We have two shipments arriving... the first was the "Hold Baggage" which included some things that may be used on a daily basis... kitchen items, linens, bikes, a few of the kids toys, some tools and Grace's crib. So, now we are living with a few more of our things versus stuff that we have borrowed from the service called "The Lending Closet" which is awesome but just not the same as having our own. The kids were thrilled to watch the movers unload stuff off the truck. Samuel had been talking about his scooter's arrival for days and as soon as it was off the truck he was on it and on his way.

So, after the movers unloaded our stuff we were on a mission to get Benjamin to school. Don's vehicle is not here yet so we are relying on our one car and the bus route. Don had left for work at 4 a.m. that morning and left our vehicle parked at his work. We weren't sure what time our stuff was arriving but since it showed up in the morning then there was still time to scarf down lunch and make the bus that would take us to get our car. It was a short bus ride but I think the boys actually
enjoyed it! I think they had kinda gotten used to riding it. Since I now have a camera on my phone I was able to snap a few pictures of them waiting for the bus that day.

Benjamin ended up being later than usual for school but still made it there in time to enjoy some of his school day. And, NOW I am thrilled to report that I am CARPOOLING!!! Yippeee!!! There are three of us that live near each other with kids in the same class. So, we meet everyday and one of us drives for that week. Next week is my turn. But for this week...
I must say I have been totally enjoying the extra time and the nice nap time the extra time has allowed for my children! Next week when I squeeze one 5 year old, two 3 year olds, one 2 year old and an infant into my car and have to haul them into the preschool I will continually remind myself how much I have been enjoying my time to myself on my off weeks.

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