Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Preschool Adventure

Benjamin started preschool yesterday! It has been somewhat challenging to get him enrolled due to the fact that we haven't had a car yet and hauling three kids on a bus is not ideal. But we did it! There is a bus that goes from each Army installation here and stops nearby the Child Development Center (where he will attend preschool). He is enrolled in an afternoon preschool 5 days a week from 1 - 4 p.m. The center also offers hourly child care so I plan to take advantage of that as well. We have both Samuel and Grace enrolled in the center so that I can drop them off from time to time and get a little break when I need to! I'm excited about this prospect (for me, of course) but also look forward to Samuel having interaction with other kids his age.

So, in order to take the bus over to where the preschool is we leave the house around 11:35 a.m. to catch an 11:46 a.m. bus. Thankfully, the bus stop is close by to where we live. Where we live is a housing area and, apparently, was blended with the Germans until after the events of 9/11 eight years ago. After that, they fenced in the housing and we are in, let's say, a gated community! The housing we're in is manned by security 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I have to say, it does give me a good sense of security even though our place is right along a busy road.

As I mentioned earlier, Benjamin's preschool does not start until 1 p.m. however, the bus arrives there around 12:15 p.m. So, we have a little bit of time before school. There are numerous playgrounds nearby though and yesterday we had an orientation to take up some of the time before he started. It is also about a 10 minute walk (with 3 kids) to the center.

The biggest challenge right now is that the buses don't run as frequently during the time frame of Benjamin's school. So, Samuel, Grace and I are kind of stuck there at Patrick Henry Village (the installation where the preschool is at). Fortunately, there is a lot to offer at Patrick Henry Village (PHV). So, after dropping Benjamin off yesterday, we hiked over to the commissary which was actually a short
distance. We were able to pick up some non-refrigerated groceries and haul them in the basket under the stroller. After a brief stop at a playground, it was time to pick Benjamin up. Phew! He got out at 4 p.m. and the LAST bus of the day runs at 4:16 p.m. So, we picked up the pace and headed back for the bus.

The kids do not seem to mind taking the bus and probably are actually amused by it in a lot of ways. While we wait for the bus, Samuel loves to shout out "Motorcycle!" every time he sees one. And during the bus ride, Benjamin pointed out corn fields and a pumpkin patch.

This all happens during Samuel's nap time! ugh. He tends to get a lot more energetic and unruly when he hasn't napped. But once on the bus he passed out! He slept for about 15 minutes on the bus ride and I tried to wake him before our stop. But he was out cold. So, I managed to get the stroller stocked with groceries, Grace and Benjamin off the bus then hopped back on and carried Samuel off as well. Luckily, people on this bus are all in the same situation (well, most are not hauling around 3 young kids) but they have just arrived here and are awaiting their personal vehicles. So, people riding these buses are usually very helpful and jump up to assist with the stroller or ask how they can help.

Today we will head back to preschool shortly... and today there is a play group at the center from 2 - 4 p.m. for Samuel's age group! He may be tired but I'm sure he will enjoy having the playtime.

While Benjamin was attending preschool yesterday, Don was taking his drivers license test! And, he passed! Just in time, because we just got word that our Ford Expedition arrived and he has arranged to pick it up tomorrow. So, ideally, I will get my license next week and things will go much easier. But, in the meantime, we will keep busy with our bus adventures!

Benjamin did report that he likes his new school and that he made two new friends. His teacher said he enjoyed playing blocks and didn't want to finger paint. That doesn't surprise me! Later I asked him why he didn't want to finger paint and he said that his fingers would get too dirty.

Today, I have requested that Benjamin bring us home some new artwork for our refrigerator so we'll see how that goes!


Gloria said...

Glad to hear Benjamin liked school! By the way...........really proud of you with the whole bus thing! You are the best!

Love you guys!

Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

You absolutely amaze me. You just seem to go with the flow. You are doing a wonderful job !!!!!
Aunt Shirley

Anne said...

Welcome in Heidelberg. Are you in housing or still in that nice "hotel" that everyone talk about! We live on PHV so if one day you are too cold contact me, I'll gladly open the appartment for you! We just got our household good (it is my first real military move!) Oh and if you need a ride anywhere, since you seem pretty busy with your 3 kids, I'll gladly offer my driver (AKA: ME) to get you somewhere!! ;-) Let me know REALLY!!