Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Exploring the Heidelberg Area

On Sunday, we spent time with our friend Autumn, whom we met about five or so years ago while in the D.C. area. Don and her both worked at the Army's Health Facility Planning Agency. Anyway, she has been living here in Heidelberg for the past two years and we have been keeping in touch through Facebook.com

She offered to show us around but we didn't link up until Sunday afternoon and by then it was nap time so Don stayed home with the two little ones
which gave Benjamin and I the opportunity to explore the Heidelberg area. Autumn picked us up in her Mini Cooper and we were off but not before she showed me some great websites that have already helped me out with getting to know this area and services the military provides.

She took us through downtown Heidelberg past the Neckar River then out into the countryside on a beautiful drive up into the mountains and forest. She lives about 20 minutes away from us on
the local economy and we made a stop by her place. It is really nice and she's done a great job adding lots of potted landscaping. She also let us borrow a bunch of blankets because it's getting cooler here and we have yet to receive our household goods
(hopefully soon!).

We made our way through lots of towns on the outskirts of Heidelberg. Benjamin seemed to just be taking it all in and had lots of comments and thoughts to share throughout the drive. When we first started out and we were approaching the downtown area he pipped up and said "These buildings are old."

There were lots of highlights for Benjamin along our first journey out including his first German eis (ice cream), seeing hang gliders off the mountains, and getting to sit on Autumn's Harley Davidson. Overall, a great time for him as
well as me!

I am so thankful for Autumn and the time she took to spend with us. We're looking forward to sharing lots of more adventures with Autumn while we're here in Heidelberg.


Unknown said...

Wow what a great day! It sure looks like a beautiful part of Germany!

Gloria said...

Looks beautiful! Glad Benjamin had a good time and by the way........looks awesome on a Harley!

Love you guys!

Miss you guys!