Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Samuel Thomas

Just a quick post to share a few photos of our funny and silly Samuel. He received an inflatable ball pit for his birthday and has been enjoying it. He loves balls of any sort and this toy has really kept him entertained!

Samuel is amazing us daily with his new words which we thought may never actually arrive but are now coming out at an amazing pace. Some of his new favorite things to say include "hi," "happy," "hippo" and "one more."

Shortly after his 2nd birthday I took him for his 2 year check up and he weighed in at 38 pounds. He is off the charts on both height and weight and is a healthy and happy lil guy. Although, he has recently learned how to pout quite well!
He loves to follow his big brother around everywhere and tries doing everything brother is doing. (Including trying to sneak into Benjamin's preschool class like he's one of the big kids when we go to drop Benjamin off or pick him up from school).

Samuel continues to amaze us and keep us smiling daily!


Unknown said...

Wow, Ball Pit, what a great gift, back pat, back pat, back pat!


Anonymous said...

Love that kid! What a cutie!

Aunt Gloria

Anonymous said...

Eli got a ball pit just like that for his birthday too! We haven't set it up yet though. He's such a cutie and he's getting so much hair. It actually looks a little lighter to me in these pictures. How's the belly?

Anonymous said...

I wish I could try the ball pit out!!!

Love and miss you all,
