Monday, March 23, 2009

The Greatest Show on Earth...

Last Saturday we headed into D.C. to see the Ringling Brother's Barnum and Bailey Circus. The boys had never been to the circus and it had been years since Don or I have gone. In February, Benjamin had been learning about the circus at preschool and had been coming home from school with loads of information and craft projects about the circus.

Saturday morning when we got up we told the boys where we were headed and Benjamin was thrilled. We took the Metro train which was as exciting to them as going to the circus!

I was a bit nervous that our active two year old would not sit still but he did amazingly well... until intermission. Once he realized that we could get up out of our seats then he thought that was pretty neat. Plus there were a few slower parts of the the second half so Samuel and I walked around a little bit and then he did much better.

There were a lot of neat acts and while they changed scenes and prepared for the next act the clowns would entertain the crowd. When Benjamin is asked what his favorite part of the circus was he says it was the clowns. They were pretty entertaining!

On the train ride home, we were all tuckered out and Samuel fell asleep in his Daddy's arms. He continued to sleep in the car and even when we got home! Apparently, it was a lot of excitement for that lil guy to take in!

Benjamin is still talking about the highlights of the circus and recently told me that I was the "Queen of the Clowns" like at the circus. They did call one of the acts the "Queen of the Clouds" but he apparently thought they were singing "Queen of the Clowns!" As you might imagine, I am quite proud of my new title.


Unknown said...

What a fitting title it is too! Good job Benj!

Gloria said...

I am glad you guys had a good time at the circus! I love to go to the circus! And by the way.....Queen of the Clowns - it could be worse. I kind of like that title!

Love you guys!

Miss you guys!