Friday, February 6, 2009

Our News

We have yet to share some exciting news with all our blog readers... we are expecting a baby this summer!
I was fortunate enough to have an early ultrasound at 9 weeks and see our little miracle's heartbeat. It is so amazing to see such a small heart beating so early in the development. I am posting the photos from that very early ultrasound but the baby wasn't even the size of peanut at that point! So far, everything is on target for delivery in July with a July 21 due date. We are thrilled and so looking forward to this upcoming addition.

All is looking good as I am now in my second trimester and 16th week of pregnancy. I've had some moments of ickiness but overall the pregnancy is going pretty smoothly so far. My tummy is not bulging yet but I'm starting to slowly loose my middle although I haven't had to resort to the oh so lovely maternity clothes yet.

Benjamin is excited and tells Samuel that he will have a "new little buddy." Samuel is actually fascinated with babies and is really excited when we encounter them whenever we're out and about. Hopefully, this is an early indication that he too is going to make a great big brother!

Benjamin has decided that "Bamuel" will be the perfect name for this new baby. Yes, you read that correctly, "Bamuel." It appears to be a combination of both of our boys' names. He is quite creative but we're still looking at alternatives.


Anonymous said...

I was so excited when I started reading your post and then it occured to me....oh yeah, I already knew that!
Still so excited for you...Congratulations!!!!

Kristin said...

I like it. Bamuel. Nickname BAM!