Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Hello, Spring? Is that you???"

We have been enjoying some great spring-like weather! We all spent a lot of time outside last weekend and rediscovered a bunch of nearby parks. The boys loved exploring the the slides, swings, and climbing all over the jungle gyms. It was a joy to see their smiles!

Benjamin also went to a birthday party for a classmate at The Little Gym (which is an indoor play area which holds classes and birthday parties for kids). He had a blast! And I enjoyed watching him run around and exert all his energy. Besides the party and going to church Sunday morning, the majority of our weekend was spent outside.

In addition to the playgrounds we went to, we also played in the sandbox and water table, rode bikes, played with sidewalk chalk, and kept busy doing whatever we could think of until the sun went down! We really got a taste of spring and are not looking forward to the cold blast of air that is due this weekend. But for now we will just enjoy a couple of more days of 50 and 60 degree weather and dream about what spring has in store for us all!

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