Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Our Helpful Boys

A couple of weeks ago we were getting ready to go out of town. Don casually said "We need to wipe down the stove top."

Then we went on with our chores and busyness of getting ready to go. I went downstairs for a minute to grab something and I could hear Samuel in the kitchen dragging the kitchen chair across the wood floor (a sound that is oh so familiar to me these days).

When I came upstairs there was Samuel at the stove top with dish rag in hand wiping down the stove top just as Daddy had said we needed to do. Somehow he put it all together and decided he was going to help! It was so cute. Then, when Benjamin saw me taking pictures of Samuel and praising him for being a good helper, he too jumped in and started wiping off the stove top too. Who knew this chore could be so much fun! (Although, I think you can tell by the photos, one brother was taking this job a lot more seriously than the other).

I hope they continue to enjoy helping out as they grow up but somehow I know this is probably too good to last and that I better appreciate their eagerness to help now while they're young!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What cute little guys. I have found that the helpfulness like most of their moods, comes and goes. Sometimes getting them to do chores is like pulling teeth, other times like this Sunday they were so enthusiastic and got so much done it was amazing. You just have to enjoy it when you get it.