Our trip was off to a bit of a rough start when Benjamin got sick in the car en route to Williamsburg then he cracked his lip open on
the bunk bed later five minutes after we checked in. We weren't sure what would come our way next but the trip continued without any further hiccups and we all had a fabulous time.

Samuel even went solo down some of the larger water slides.

In addition to the water park feature of the hotel, it has so many great family friendly activities. They have a story time every
night where guests can come together in their pajamas and enjoy an interactive show with characters in their lobby, then a hotel employee reads a couple of books. One night during our stay they also had a magician and the boys enjoyed that as well. They also have an arcade that compares to Chucky Cheese (minus the pizza) which we all had fun in.

Benjamin also enjoyed walking throughout the hotel and activating things with a magic wand... it is called "Magic Quest" and kids are all over the hotel making things light
up, talk, etc. This was something new to him and he and Daddy really enjoyed it. A great activity for them to do while Mommy and Samuel enjoyed naptime!

Looks like the kids had a blast!
Samuel is getting so big!
Love you guys!
Wow looks like such a great time! We are so looking forward to seeing you guys in a couple of weeks!
I wish I went with you!!!!
Why didn't Don update the Blog when you were out of town?
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