Sunday, October 16, 2011

There is a 7 Year Old in the House!

As of September 28, we have a 7 year old in our house! It's amazing to think we've had this amazing little man living in our midst for 7 years already! It seems like only yesterday that we were discovering all the joys and challenges of becoming new parents. Phew! We've survived 7 years now!
Well, this year Benjamin decided that he wanted to have a Thor and Captain America themed birthday party. Much like his daddy, he loves his super heros! 

We rented an inflatable bouncy slide and we were fortunate to have unseasonably warm and sunny weather on the first Saturday in October! We celebrated with a few neighbor families as well as a few classmates. Overall, a perfect turnout to help celebrate his big day. 

The kids all received super hero masks as they arrived then had a blast on the inflatable slide, played a few games and decorated little pumpkins. Then we enjoyed some sandwiches, snacks and cake. Before we knew it the party was wrapping up and Benjamin was giving out his party favors and saying farewell to his guests. 

We are so proud of Benjamin and the amazing guy that he is. He loves to sing, laugh, build with Legos,  and race his neighbor friend to the bus stop every morning to be first on the bus. He plays soccer, is discovering what being a Boy Scout is all about, and continually amazes us with new facts he learns and is continually discovering things in our world to be fascinated by.

It's been a great journey parenting Benjamin and we are so thankful that God blessed us with him.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

What a terrific day you had for Benjamin's 7th Birthday. Everyone looked like they had a lot of fun. I love the smile he has on his face. How adorable!! Keep on enjoying, he is growing to fast.

Happy 7th Birthday Benjamin!!

Love and Miss you lots
Aunt Nancy