Monday, April 19, 2010

Photo of the Day 6: Grace is 9 Months Old!

Grace is 9 months old today! Time is just racing by and it's hard to believe our sweet baby girl has brightened our days (and sometimes nights) for 9 months already.

She had a doctors appointment about two weeks ago now and she is weighing in at 22 pounds and is 30.5 inches tall. She is in the 95 percentile in weight amongst other girls her age and off the charts in her height.

She is crawling all over the place and holding onto things (mostly my legs, or so it seems) and stepping from place to place. She is into everything... touching, reaching, tasting, eating, crawling under, crawling over, crawling into... EVERYTHING! She is so busy and keeps me on my toes. She adores her big brothers who affectionately refer to her as "GooGoo". They like to tell me that she says words... Samuel things all her baby babble sounds like something er other and will come running to me in his all excited way and say "Gracie just said this... to me!" And Benjamin literally puts words in her mouth (as if she's a puppet!) He will say "I want more food" says Gracie and those sort of things.

It's hard to imagine what our world was without our sweet girl. She has touched our lives in so many ways in the course of nine months. Obviously, the boys aren't the only ones around here that are gaga over "GooGoo."

I can't praise God enough for blessing us with our sweet and snugly oh-so-cuddly Gracie Jo.

Photos are from last Wednesday when we visited Luisenpark in Mannheim.

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