Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Photo of the Day 1: Technik Museum

Okay, I have decided to challenge myself... I have been neglecting my blog a bit so what I'm going to try to do is post at least one picture (hopefully more!) per day for the next week and blog about it... We'll see how I do.

Here goes...

Last Saturday we headed to the Technik Museum in the nearby town of Speyer. Speyer is known for it's beautiful cathedral and small mosque like castle that boasts beautiful gardens. We have not visited either of those attractions yet but thoroughly enjoyed this museum which had a huge collection of cars, motorcycles, trains, planes, water craft, etc.

I took a ton of pictures (which I need to post more of one of these days) and the kids had a great time exploring everything... including an airplane they could climb about three stories high to see inside then slide down.

In this picture I'm including on this post of the boys, Benjamin told me he was making his "Army face"... whatever that means!

And, I guess I couldn't limit myself to one picture in this post! Grace and I had a little bit of a wait while the boys were exploring some aircraft so I snapped some pics of her while she patiently waited and downed a good amount of Cheerios!

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