Monday, March 15, 2010

Our Visit to Neuschwanstein Castle

On Wednesday of our trip to Bavaria (southern Germany), we headed to the Füssen area where the Neuschwanstein Castle is located. It was a cold and dreary winter day but a beautiful and scenic drive through the area. And all the kids got somewhat of a nap in the car that day during the hour and a half drive from Garmisch.

When we arrived, we bundled up and headed to buy our tickets for an English speaking tour of the castle. Then we stopped into a guest house and enjoyed some great German food.

Then we opted to take the horse-drawn carriage ride to the top of the mountain where the castle is located. Years ago when Don and I visited the castle we had learned what a long steep walk to the top it is and tackling that with three kids in tow just didn't seem ideal.

Samuel really adored the horses and as we got off the carriage near the castle, he leaped out and tried to pet the horses. We stopped him before he could get to them but then the driver picked him up and let him pet the horses. He was thrilled! He definitely is our animal lover.

Before we entered the castle, Benjamin was pulling the "I don't want my picture taken" attitude and Samuel was throwing a fit about going into the bathroom with Daddy. ugh. I was not excited about entering a guided tour through the castle at that point. But surprisingly enough once we started the tour the boys were attentive and curious about everything. They really thought it was cool that they were in a castle! Phew! I was so proud of them for being so well behaved (as was Grace). And Benjamin even had a question for the tour guide at the end... "How did the King die?"

Apparently, King Ludwig was a good swimmer and mysteriously drown before the castle's construction was finished. The King didn't even live in the castle a year before his death and once he died the construction of the castle was stopped. Much of the castle remains unfinished but the parts open to the public are impressive. Photos of the inside of the castle are not allowed.
Neuschwanstein is one of Germany's most recognizable castles due to the fact that the Disney Castle is modeled after it.

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