Friday, December 18, 2009

Our Sweet and Smiley Baby

I need to catch a video clip of Grace and her new found capability to really giggle. But these still photos will have to do for now. She continues to sleep through the night and wakes up incredibly happy stretching her neck around as if she needs to make sure she's not missing out on anything going on around her. She scoots all over her crib and rolls from her front to back all the time now.

She also loves to make eye contact with anyone and everyone. As soon as she realizes someone is looking at her she lights up with a big grin that you can't help smiling back at. She will be 5 months old tomorrow and I LOVE THIS BABY AGE!

We continue to be amazed at how quickly she is growing up on us! Sometimes I find myself just watching her lay in her crib so I can leave an imprint in my mind of this brief time in her life where she is tiny and so full of joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is just so beautiful!
