Saturday, August 1, 2009

Big Brothers with Grace

Trying to get a good picture of our three children together has proven to be challenging... but here was our first attempt last Sunday after church. They were all a little squirmy but mostly all smiles! (Sorry to bore you with all of these photos that are so similar but I couldn't pick a favorite and I think they're all pretty cute in their own way).

The boys continue to be good and gentle with their little sister. And Grace continues to be an amazing baby! She had her two week check up appointment on Friday (she will be two weeks old already on Sunday) and she weighed in at 8 pounds 7 ounces. She is gaining weight and doing great. She is such a blessing and we are enjoying every minute with her. (Every minute? Well, okay, I have to admit those 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. feedings are not that enjoyable some nights but we can see past that!).

She loves her swing and despises bath time. Although tonight she sat in her tub for a few seconds without actually crying! This is progress.
Samuel tried to help bathe her once but I think the fact that she was crying out during the entire 5 minute process scared him away from helping out with that task for awhile.

Overall, the boys are extremely helpful. They will grab a pacifier, diaper, bottle, etc. whenever asked. And on the rare occasion that she's fussing, they want to help calm her too. I've noticed that Samuel will repeat whatever I say to Grace. As in, "It's okay, Grace." then in a little voice "It's okay, Grace." Some days it's like there's a little echo in our house.


Anonymous said...

They are all so cute!!I love all the pictures too.

Aunt Nancy Duda

Unknown said...

Awesome pics! They are all so cute together. Congrats on the quick sale! One less headache on your journey. See ya soon!

Love ya,
