Monday, August 17, 2009

Photo Updates of Grace

We are in Illinois and, after a couple of stressful weeks of getting things together to get our housing goods shipped off to Germany, we are enjoying time with family and friends.

Our 13 hour car ride to Illinois went remarkably well. We only stopped 4 times and one of those stops Don only got out to gas up the tank. The kids and dogs were incredibly well behaved... although Samuel got a little impatient and tired of riding in the car towards the end of the trip... but I did too! He was just more vocal about it. Grace slept the majority of the ride which was a huge blessing!
I'm sure I will have many photos to share from our visit here but I thought I would just post a few of Grace for now since it's been a couple of weeks now since I've made a blog post... and Grace is growing and changing every day! She is still a great baby and is getting very spoiled with all the attention from Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents and family friends. 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow does she look like her Mom in the last least what I remember he mom looking like when she was little....