Thursday, August 20, 2009

1 Month with Sweet Baby Grace

Today, our sweet baby Grace turned 1 month old. It's amazing to think how much she has grown and changed already! Don stepped on the scale with her today and figured out that she is weighing in around 12 pounds. Needless to say, her cheeks are getting chubby as is the rest of her! 

Since I had taken each of the boys for their first studio portraits at 1 month I wanted to make sure Grace didn't miss this important photo shoot as well. They are just so sweet, innocent, tiny and precious that I treasure these young photos of them. They're starting to outgrow some of that very newborn awkwardness and become such beautiful little people. 

I wish I had the photos of the boys on hand to show the comparison of the boys and Grace at this young age. It seems that a lot of friends and family seem to think that Grace looks a lot like Samuel. I agree in someways but she also has some of Benjamin's features as well. We're still not sure what color eyes she's going to have but I tend to think they will be brown. They are dark but sometimes still have a blueish tint to them. Time will tell. Benjamin has blue eyes like his mama and Samuel has brown eyes like his daddy. We'll keep you all posted on Grace as she changes and grows.

Overall, Grace is an awesome baby. She is a great sleeper and usually very mellow. However, tonight she was very content in her cousins, aunt and grandmother's arms so she went to sleep early which leads me to believe that while those cousins, aunt and grandmother are resting up over the night... I will be spending some awake time with Grace. I'm getting very spoiled by all the attention Grace is getting with all the extra helping hands willing to hold and help take care of her while we're here in Illinois! It's soooo nice.

Happy 1 month birthday sweet baby Grace! You are so very loved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such great pictures. MOM