Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Our Family of Five

Grace is a little over a week old already and we are still adjusting to becoming a family of five! But she has made the adjustment pretty easy so far! She's an excellent baby and we really rarely hear a peep from her except for when she's trying to tell us of the typical baby needs.

Today my Mom and Harry left for a stop off in Philadelphia and New Jersey before continuing on for a visit with family in Massachusetts (where my mom was born and raised). We had a great time with them and truly appreciate all they helped us with. We have had a lot going on and they really jumped right in and did all they could which I'm sure was exhausting on them at times. Harry painted, sanded and fixed numerous things. He had several projects going on daily and became a regular at our local Home Depot! We know if it wasn't for him lots of these projects would have gone unfinished and we are so very grateful for all he did around our house. Benjamin noticed all that Papa was doing and said several times "Papa can fix anything."

My mom also jumped right in and helped with the boys and Grace once she arrived. She cooked meals for us (and if you know my mom, you know that cooking is not the highlight of her day). She also kept the boys busy, did some painting as well, did loads of laundry, etc., etc. We are really going to miss them the next couple of weeks but look forward to seeing them at their home in Illinois in the near future.

The boys have been adjusting great to having a new little sister in their home. When they visited us at the hospital the day she was born, Benjamin declared "She's beautiful!" and has said it several time since. However, he really doesn't pay too much attention to her and just kind of does his own thing. Samuel on the other hand really wants to hold his baby sister every chance he gets. He adores her and loves to tickle her piggy toes and kiss her lil head. So far they are both kind and gentle with their sister.


Unknown said...

Great photos as always. Benjamin is right she is beautiful! We so are looking forward to seeing her! Our "family photo" was a big hit in both Russia at the childrens home as well as at our agency...first time anyone has done a photoshop family picture. Our rep in Russia is visiting with the judge Wednesday (tonight our time) and hopefully we will get some news tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Grace is such a beautiful baby. The boys look like they are enjoying her. They will be great big brothers. See ya soon.
Nancy Duda

Kristin said...

I love that picture of Sam in yellow holding Grace! How precious! I love that he wants to help out with his baby sister. :)