Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Grandparents Arrive

Last week Thursday, my Mom and Harry arrived safely in Virginia. We are thrilled to have them here to help with all that is going on in our busy world.

And Benjamin could hardly wait to see his grandparents. He was asking for days if it was the day they were arriving so on Thursday he watched the clock all day (knowing that they'd arrive sometime around 2 p.m.)

We have had some busy but good days with them here. On Saturday, Don and Harry were doing some work around the house so my mom and I ventured out to a nearby nature preserve area and took a little "hike" with the boys.

We had a nice time enjoying the outdoors and feeding ducks and watching turtles and small fish. We came upon one turtle that was really good size and my mom was absolutely enthralled with the big guy. It was fun to see her so excited and enjoying the time with the boys and the turtle!

At one point some people stopped and asked if we'd like them to take our photo... and my mom told them that we were walking so that my baby would come that night (who knew?).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's so cute that you have pictures of the last day with Grace in your belly and the walk that helped bring her out! Love the boys Mickey shirts!!!!!!