Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Good Friends

Sunday evening we got together with our good friends, The Connolly's. One of the main reasons we ended up in Ashburn, Virginia was due to them! Don had met David Connolly several years back when he lived out in this area... Dave was a groomsman in our wedding, and when it was time to come out to house search (7 years ago) we came and stayed with them in Ashburn to look for someplace to live.

So, through the years we have not only stayed good friends with Dave but also his wonderful wife, Nelly has become a dear friend of ours as well. And they have two children who are the same ages as our kids! We often get together and spend time together at our homes or out and about. They were a big support for me while Don was deployed to Iraq and I am forever grateful for their friendship (then and always).

Anyways, I took these photos of the kids in their backyard. Although their son, Reed had already tuckered out for the night. We'll have to sneak in another get together with them before our departure to get a photo of all the kids together. We're all going to miss them dearly but look forward to them visiting us in Germany and seeing some of Europe with them then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sue - I need a tissue. I can not believe you guys stood up for our wedding six years ago. I have so many fond memories - baby annoucements, shopping, more shopping, kids play dates, etc. I will forever cherish our friendship. Brooke and Reed will miss you, Don and the kids. We look forward to visiting you in Germany. Although, I am not sure if Germany can handle having both the Chapmans and Connollys together. Love you guys, Nelly.