Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Photos from the New Camera

As I mentioned in my last blog post, for Mother's Day, Don and the boys got me the camera I've been craving for sometime... a digital Canon Rebel. And I'm happy to report that I LOVE it! I'm still learning some of the features but so far so good.

We have been extremely busy but I wanted to take a minute to post some photos from my new camera! After having it a week I think I had taken over 300 photos. At first, I think the boys probably felt like I was stalking them with the camera lense always chasing them around but hey, they make great photo subjects!

I'm sure I will post more soon from some of the stuff we've been up to lately... but I just wanted to share some of my favorites for now!

(Click on the images if you'd like to enlarge them).

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Like the new blog layout with the green and updated family pic! Glad you're loving the new camera - I want one! :)