Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great Memorial Day Weekend! It was nice to be home and just enjoy being here together. Don had a four day weekend which was an extra treat. We attempted to clean our garage out on Friday and got quite a bit accomplished actually but still have a lot to do before we try to sell our house!

Then the pool opened on Saturday! woo hoo. We were the first ones at the pool this year. The boys were thrilled. We packed a lunch and headed up to the pool that Saturday around 11:30 a.m. Last year Daddy wasn't home for pool season, so this was the first time he got to see our wild man, Samuel, splashing around in the kiddy pool and having a ball like his big brother. Samuel managed to fall off of a picnic table while we were up at the pool and crack the back of his head pretty good. ugh. He was screaming and crying but luckily he was okay. (We were also the first ones to fill out an accident report at the pool this year due to this incident).

Sunday afternoon we enjoyed more time at the pool and managed to escape without incident! Phew. The boys LOVE the pool and even though the water was close to unbearably cold they had a blast.

Monday we headed out to Great Country Farms and went strawberry pickin' with our good friend, Nelly and her two kids, Brooke (4 yrs old) and Reed (2 yrs old). We got there before the day really heated up so it was rather enjoyable. My boys (including Don) all LOVE strawberries! It was our first time picking strawberries (except for Don who had done it several times as a child). And the boys did pretty good about picking only the red ones and not actually eating them while they were picking them.

We stayed for lunch and many of the attractions that the farm has to offer... farm animals, moon bounce, playground, etc. Then we headed home for nap time.

Overall, it was a very enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. When I think back to what was going on in our lives last year at this time it makes me smile and thank God for all that we have as a family and that we're able to share each and every day together. We are still experiencing many firsts with Daddy and both of our boys embrace him with so much love and happiness that it's hard to imagine him ever being away from us again. I am so thankful to have our soldier home safely to share days like Memorial Day that honor those soldiers and their families who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Man, you made me tear up! I am also thankful for Don and all the other men and women who make such great sacrifices for us.

PS - love the pic of Ben in his goggles!!