Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day Celebration with Benjamin

Benjamin's preschool class celebrated Mother's Day this past Wednesday. Luckily, I have a neighbor who agreed to hang out at my house during Samuel's nap time so I was able to really get some quality time with Benjamin.

We were spoiled by a whole basket full of assorted things that would make any mother's heart melt... a book of questions answered by Benjamin about his mom, some artwork, a trivet, a recipe book that the kids came up with, a pen topped with an artificial flower (mine was a blue flower, of course), poems, etc.

The kids also sang a couple of songs to us and we did a craft where we decorated a picture frame with artificial flowers. We enjoyed a nice snack and before we knew it we were on our way home. I'm including a video clip of Benjamin singing one of the songs during his class. And I am also including a clip of him singing the other song they sang to us. It is about a butterfly which they had been learning about recently and just happen to released several that came out of their cocoons that day. However, I took this video clip this morning at the breakfast table. He loves to sing and remembers words and hand motions to most songs that he is taught.

Here is what the booklet that Benjamin gave to me had to say about his Mom...

My favorite thing about my mother is... she plays computer games with me.

I know my mother loves me because... I came out of her tummy.

My mother looks prettiest when... she's wearing blue and pink and purple and all the colors.

My favorite thing to do with Mom is... play "Duck, Duck, Goose" with her.

If I could give my mother something special just from me, it would be... a girl baby.

I want to thank you, Mom, for... bringing me to school.

I loved all his answers to the questions but I was especially touched by the idea of him wanting to give me a girl baby! He has told me that he wants me to have a girl baby so that I won't be the only girl in our house anymore. He came up with this one on his own!

Now for his recipe that was included in their recipe book:


Lots and lots of tortillas
Lots and lots of cheese

Put the tortilla on top of the cheese. Put the tortilla in the oven. The oven is really hot. Take it out 1 minute quick. You wait for it to cool off. When it cools off, eat it.

The whole recipe book is quite cute with a picture of each child donning a chef's hat on the page with their recipe. And each child came up with some pretty entertaining ways to prepare things from Mac and Cheese to Strawberries.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe he wants a girl!!!!

Ellen =]

Kristin said...

That is so surprising that he said he wants a girl!! Super cute.

Anonymous said...

my boys, particularly Brock, wanted Eli to be a girl for the same reason....however, as you know, I have no qualms re: being the only girl. Wouldn't have it any other way.