Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Duck, Duck, Goose

We have had our share of rainy days here in Northern Virginia this Spring and this past weekend was no exception.

Saturday there was a break in the rain and we took the opportunity to go on what we call a "Nature Hike." Last year a neighborhood nearby opened a Nature Preserve area with a wooden plank trail. It's just the right length walk for my boys. We hadn't been since Don's return from Iraq but Benjamin points out the Nature Hike every time we pass the area.

So, I packed up a lunch and we were off on our excursion.

We have been playing the "Duck, Duck, Goose" game a lot around our house. It has really become a family favorite in the evenings after dinner. So, it was fitting that as we approached the pond area there were two ducks and a goose. So, Samuel lit up and exclaimed "Duck! Duck! Goose!" He truly is an animal lover and gets excited to see any animals. I think he could have stayed and been entertained by those birds for hours.

We sat and enjoyed our sandwiches and were visited by lots of geese and a couple of ducks. Both boys enjoyed sharing their sandwich crusts with the geese and ducks. It was definitely the highlight of the outing. (Next time we will pack bread special for our feathered friends).

1 comment:

Kelli said...

oh Sue! You have to tell me where that place is, I think my boys would love to go for a walk there. Such sweet pictures!!