Monday, May 4, 2009

28 Weeks and Counting...

Here I am... 28 weeks into the pregnancy with Baby Chapman #3. I feel pretty good and people tell me I look good too. Somehow, I find it easier to accept that compliment during pregnancy. Probably because as my belly swells and contorts, it helps to know that maybe I really am glowing and don't look as tired as I often feel!

I spent the morning at doctor appointments while Don stayed home with the boys. I had a routine appointment with, who we now refer to as, "the baby doctor." It is a rainy day and getting to Bethesda National Naval Medical Center took me about an hour and half. Yes, this is the place I will deliver if all goes well. Both of our boys were born there and it's a great facility. I was a half hour late for my appointment today and as I sat in traffic, I couldn't help but think that if I was in labor on this particular morning, I would NOT be delivering at this hospital as planned.

Luckily, they had other cancellations and the doctor was still able to see me. The baby's heartbeat was in the 150s and the appointment was over in a mater of minutes. Then I was off to my second appointment... a health screening in the clinic. In order to prepare for our move to Germany, the military requires that we all have physicals. So, it was my turn.

Lucky me.

All went well and the doctor ordered up some blood work that, apparently, I hadn't had done in years... routine stuff. I was already scheduled to stop at the lab for my glucose screening (routine at this point in a pregnancy). So, I ended up getting a bunch of blood work done at once. The good part is that I won't have to go back and get stuck again. I have a STRONG dislike for needles. The bad part is the first vain he stuck ended up collapsing and I think I will be bruised for days on my right arm. ugh.

Overall, my pregnancy is going well. Most days, I feel great... drained and tired but what mother isn't? And we're still on target for a July 21 delivery. I have a very active baby in my belly who likes to stir just about the time I decide to go to bed every night. It makes for some restless nights but I like to think it's his or her way of preparing me for some of the restless nights I have ahead of me.


Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,
I have to say you do look good and healthy. Soon you will have another bouncing baby and I have a pink and white waiting for her. Good luck to all of you. Aunt Shirley

Anonymous said...

Should of at least say it is a pink and white blanket. Sorry Aunt Shirl

Kelli said...

You look beautiful Sue!!!!

Kristin said...

Silly Sue! You ALWAYS look beautiful!!! :) Very glad to hear you and Baby Chapman checked out A-OK!