Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Our Fairweather Samuel

These are a few photos I took of Samuel Friday afternoon. The weather was rather pleasant before a somewhat cool and rainy weekend. Samuel LOVES to play outside. So, if the backdoor is open we have to really watch him to make sure he doesn't dart out the door and head downstairs without us. This is him on one of his many escapades where he successfully made it out the door and down to the backyard. He loves to explore and just play outside.

As you may have noticed, my boys love their hats. And Samuel gets much satisfaction out of putting on his own hat. So, you may notice that he often has his hat on sideways or backwards in photos. I suppose that's his way of claiming a bit of independence!
Everyday is something new with Samuel. He is a rough and tumble boy who seems to already have a natural sports ability (although Don and I aren't really sure where that's come from). He definitely has a strong interest in balls
regardless of their shape or size and can identify and say most types of sports balls...
"soccer," "basketball," "football," "baseball," etc. Although, we are still working on his speech, everyday he surprises us with a new word or two. He has gotten "help" and "help pweese" down now. We are eager for him to start putting words together and getting past his frustrations of not being able to tell us exactly what's going on in his two year old mind.


Anonymous said...

Eli can't wait to come and play with his fellow ball loving friend. A week and a half!

Kristin said...

I like the new layout at the top! Cute pics of Samuel, too. :)