Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Saga Continues...

Since the boys have been sick, we have been spending a lot of time in the house. We have come up with a lot of different things to keep us busy and entertained... playing in the sink, playing in the laundry basket, building snowmen and whales out of play foam, playing any and all kinds of games with balls in the house that we can think of (Samuel loves balls!), and enjoying long baths. A lot of days spend in pajamas!

Somewhere in there Benjamin was actually feeling pretty well for a day or two. The two of us went to church and Don and Samuel stayed home and rested. We got out of the house and I was actually thrilled to just go to Target. It felt like such a big outing after being housebound for what seemed like eternity!
Then we made a trip to urgent care this past Monday. First I took Samuel for his cough, fever, irritability, restlessness, etc. then Don met me there with Benjamin after realizing his temperature was almost 102. They have been on antibiotics all week; however, the boys are still miserable. Samuel is whiny as can be and Benjamin is feverish and has fallen asleep by 7:00 p.m. for three nights in a row. They are both still coughing. It looks like we will be making another trip to the doctor's tomorrow. I just want them both to feel better and life to get back to normal around here. It's been a lil draining and some nights bedtime cannot come fast enough!

Hopefully, they will be on the mend soon. They have to get better soon, right? That's what I keep telling myself. In the mean time, we are all going to bed earlier than normal and trying to rest up as much as possible.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to here that they are still not feeling better yet.


Kelli said...

oh no sue! i am so sorry to hear that your boys are still sick.....i hope they are feeling great again soon, and things can get back to normal. my boys have been sick too, and it is really tough being stuck in the house with cranky sick boys!

give your boys a hug for me!