On that note, I am not quite ready to start posting the tons of photos from or awesome trip and visit with family and friends in Illinois. Instead, I am posting a few photos from the days that led up to our trip...

The boys truly got into the holiday spirit this year... although Samuel did not take an immediate fondness to Santa. They enjoyed the decorations, holiday treats, Christmas songs and, of course, loved the gifts! Samuel really didn't care what was in a wrapped present or who the gift was intended for, he just truly enjoyed the unwrapping! Although, he has been enjoying the many gifts he did receive (es
pecially the new Nerf football from the O'Neill family!).

A few years back my good friend, Lea Ann, had given me a set of wooden snowmen that nest within each other and Samuel has been completely fascinated by them this year. He has occupied much of his busy time stacking and re-stacking them. It's been a joy to watch him discover and rediscover them, almost daily.

He also participated in his preschools Christmas program for the first time (he missed it last year due to the fact that we traveled to Illinois earlier than this year). They sang a few songs and his class was right in the front row (unfortunately, my camera battery was not charged so I didn't get any photos!). He did a great job and has been singing the songs a whole bunch since (and before the program as well). He loves to sing and we love to hear his singing. He has a knack for making up songs and I love to hear the stuff that he comes up with! But it has really been delightful to hear him sing his beloved Christmas carols.

More on our wonderful trip to Illinois to come soon!
Happy New Year!
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