Saturday, January 17, 2009

Our Sicky Icky Saga

Again... a huge delay between blog posts. What is up with that? Well, I had good intentions to keep at least posting pictures frequently but it seems as if we have been battling some sort of illness since the start of the year. ugh.

We have had other things going on; however, besides a few days at work and trips to the doctors, I don't really remember leaving the house much. So, the photos I'm posting are all of the boys being sick!

Our first week back we got motivated to move Samuel into his toddler bed pretty quick since he was making the process of climbing out of his crib into an artform and discovering new crib dismount techniques daily. There were a few restless nights but after a couple of nights he adjusted pretty well. Although, he occasionally likes to hop out of bed at nap time (or even in the middle of the night) and explore his room, books, toys, piggy bank, hats, etc. But overall, I think we have made the adjustment. There is no turning back now!

On Wednesday the 7th, I took Don to Walter Reed Medical Center for his Lasik PRK eye surgery. He had been waiting to have this for years and was pretty pumped about getting it done. The surgery went well and after about five days of limiting himself to mostly dark rooms, he reappeared without glasses or contacts and feeling pretty well. He's almost done with the eye drops he's been on since and his vision is great.

On Thursday the 8th, the boys went to their sitters, while I went back to work and Don recovered from surgery. When we got home that night Benjamin was not himself. He ended up having a stomach bug that lasted about 24 hours and kept me doing laundry well into the night that night. Thankfully, he was pretty much back to himself on Friday although he did spend the day at home with Daddy as to not expose his friends.

We survived that weekend... and Sunday, Benjamin and I went to see "The Tale of Desperaux" with good friends, Aunt Nelly and Brooke. When we came home, Benjamin was not himself again and ended up going to bed pretty early. I noticed Samuel had a lil bit of gunk in his eye that night and wiped it clean (hoping it was nothing more).

Come Monday morning, Benjamin was feeling fine but Samuel was definitely not himself. After his morning nap it became apparent that he most likely had pink eye. I made a doctor's appointment for Tuesday morning and took Benjamin to school hoping that he did NOT have pink eye too.

When I picked Benjamin up from school a few hours later he too looked as if he was getting pink eye. So, Tuesday morning the boys and I were all off to the doctors. They were both completely miserable and looked awful... flushed cheeks on pale skin, red teary eyes... ick! The doctor confirmed that they both had pink eye and we fled the clinic to head for their prescriptions. This was our first encounter with pink eye and I pray it is our last. I have no idea where they contracted it because I feel like we have barely been out of the house this year! But we are almost done with the antibiotic ointment that treats them and every dose seems to become more of a struggle. We are all anxious for this to be out of our home and be done with it. We are thankful that Don nor I have come down with any pink eye symptoms. (Although Don is already on the antibiotic ointment for his eyes due to his recent surgery so chances of him contracting it are slim).

Oh... I'm not done yet! Wednesday night as Don and I went to bed he said he wasn't feeling right. He went into work on Thursday but came home early and has been in bed with some sort of stomach bug since. He is miserable and we're hoping we can make it though the weekend without a visit to the ER. Today he seems to be feeling a touch better but has been in bed hoping to fend it off most of the day.
And Samuel is coughing and seems to have yet another cold! Will this ever end?

I am just ready for everyone to start feeling better! The boys were so sweet to each other during their sickness. I guess it proves that misery does truly love company because they snuggled up with each other, held hands and would just hug each other on several occasions.

Hopefully, this post about our ongoing saga of illness has not put you all to sleep by now! I plan on having a more uplifting post in the near future!!!


Anonymous said...

At lease the last picture had Samuel smiling, in the rest they just looked so miserable. Hope everyone is feeling better soon. Thanks for the "hat" pictures of Samuel.
Love ya!

Kelli said...

oh no! sue, i hope everyone is feeling completely better very soon! My boys are sick again too, it is NOT fun when our boys are sick! Please give Samuel and Benjamin a big hug for me!

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Sure hope everyone is feeling better.

We have been very lucky with the sicky ickies. Thank goodness!

Miss all you guys lots!



Anonymous said...

I hope everyone feels better soon!

Love and miss you all!