Monday, January 26, 2009

Finally, on the Mend?

Dare I say that we are on the mend in this house? Well, we almost had a normal weekend. After a trip to the doctor's office on Friday which proved that Samuel had an ear infection and Benjamin had a double ear infection, they started a new round of antibiotics and things are looking up.

Saturday morning the boys were doing good and after much thought and consideration we decided to have Don take Benjamin to "Monster Jam" at the Verizon Center in D.C. Benjamin is a huge monster truck enthusiast these days and follows "Monster Jam" on t.v. almost daily. It is one of his favorites and he has his favorite monster trucks... of course, "Blue Thunder" tops the list (go figure). So, Don and Benjamin took the Metro which is something Benjamin hadn't done in ages. He was thrilled and upon his return I wasn't for sure if he was more excited to report back to me about the "fast train and tunnel" or the actual "Monster Jam" show. Needless to say, he had an absolutely thrill of a lifetime. He was beaming from ear to ear. Unfortunately, "Blue Thunder" did not make an appearance at this show but Benjamin seemed to enjoy all the other "blue" monster trucks... including "Superman" which is one of his other favs.

While they were away, Samuel and I enjoyed some much needed downtime and I finally managed to squeeze a nap in while he was napping. Phew. I really needed that! When Benjamin and Daddy-O returned, I was off to pick up the babysitter and then we were off to my company's holiday party (which is always held in January). We had a great time which was much needed after all the time we have spent in this house this month!

Sunday we all made it to church this week and then came home and manage to squeeze in another much needed nap which I have now started to call "family nap days" which usually occur on Sundays! I love it (although nothing gets done around the house).

Benjamin went to school this afternoon and Samuel and I stayed for a show the preschool puts on once a month which is open to the preschoolers family. It includes a puppet show and Samuel sat quietly and attentively through the entire thing. I was amazed. I thought for sure I'd be chasing him down the aisles. Phew. Then Samuel and I ventured out to Target. We picked up a few necessities but it was still not time to pick Benjamin up. I wasn't sure what to do with that extra 20 minutes we had to burn so I decided Samuel and I would make a stop at the library. I had never taken just Samuel to the library. And now I know why. Yikees! I decided to leave the stroller in the car and maybe that was my first mistake. The boy is not as interested in books as Benjamin ever was but he has recently started to sit still for stories and actually enjoy books at bedtime. But apparently I was pushing him to his limits today! Samuel challenged me every second we were there. He pushed books off of a table, ran up and down the aisles of books (giggling all the while), and started to knock books off the shelves. That was it. We were out of there without reading through a single book and without checking out a single book. But somehow we both survived. He may be 14 years old before he ever sees the inside of the library outside of a stroller (kidding, I hope).

Overall, I think both boys are feeling a ton better and we are all ready to get out and just be a normal active family again. We are due for a little bit of snow this week and Benjamin is already hoping for a lot of snow! I too am hoping it snows this season. With our upcoming move to San Antonio, I think the boys will really miss out on the snow that I so enjoyed playing in during those snow-filled Illinois winters!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everyone is on the mend! That is great! We not like being sick!

Miss you guys!

Love you guys!
