Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This Week

What a week it has been and it's only Wednesday.

Monday morning the phone started ringing while I was in the shower around 7 a.m. I thought it might be Don and I scrambled around and managed to make it to the phone. It was my mother-in-law with the news that Don's grandfather had passed away. I sent Don an e-mail and he called later that day. By then he had already received the news via e-mail from both his mom and sister.

It was good to hear from Don but he called while Benjamin was at school. So, he called back later specifically to speak to Benjamin since they hadn't had the chance to talk in a couple weeks. We were in the car on our way from preschool to the mall. Benjamin told Daddy about his morning at preschool, asked him if he was having a good time at work and chit chatted briefly. I love to hear their lil conversations. Benjamin is turning into quite the young man these days.

Monday was a busy day. After spending time at the mall on a mission to get Benjamin some new shoes ordered from Stride-Rite for his extra wide tootsies and having lunch we headed for home. Benjamin took a good nap and Samuel decided he'd rather help me with laundry before heading for nap time. Both boys were asleep at 4 p.m. when my helper showed up. It was a gorgeous day here around 70 degrees and sunny. So, I took the opportunity to take the dogs on a good walk. They loved it, as did I. When I returned Samuel had woken up from his nap a lil fussy and I decided to wake Benjamin up so he could enjoy some play time with his friend. I managed to get a few things accomplished around the house and actually made some dinner that didn't come in a box! Well, I just made sloppy joes which is easy but I have really gotten out of the groove of actually cooking lately. So, it was nice to take the time to cook while I had the kids entertained. After dinner, we headed out to Maggie Moo's for ice cream. It had been awhile since Benjamin had his favorite blue cotton candy flavored ice cream. He was pretty excited and devoured it. He must be growing because he has been eating like a champ lately.

Actually, that same night when I put his half a sloppy joe in front of him he said "I don't care for it. I don't want it..." and carried on for quite a bit. Then I said "How 'bout we put some sprinkles on it". So, I got out some shredded mozzarella cheese and he happily sprinkled his sloppy joe with cheese. Then he took a bite and declared "This is so delicious." Wala. Sometimes a Mommy has to think like a kid. Samuel ate the other half of the sloppy joe. Boy, that boy Samuel can eat. He doesn't turn too many things away. I hope he always stays that adventuresome with new foods.

This month is a busy time for us at my office and I have agreed to work an extra day which leaves me with one weekday off, Monday. I seriously don't know how parents work full-time. There simply is not enough time in a day. I am just so thankful that this schedule is temporary and hopefully it will help the month of March go by quickly.

Before I end this blog entry, I would just like to ask all my praying friends and family to please keep Don's family in their prayers.

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