Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bittersweet Farewell

Today we bid Daddy-O farewell. We had such an awesome two and a half weeks. It's hard to believe how much we crammed into such a short time frame. We enjoyed every last minute.

I will have a ton of photos to post but with the Christmas season fast approaching it seems as if every evening I have about a gazillion things to do. Unfortunately, the blog is taking a back seat. So, hopefully, over this coming weekend I will bring the blog up to date and share photos and some stories from our visit with Daddy-O.

While Don was here he confirmed what I already knew; He's a terrific husband and a wonderful father. We miss him already.

Please keep him in your prayers as he travels over the coming days. He has a long journey ahead of him.

We love you Daddy-O!


Kelli said...

Sue - I am sending you and your boys HUGE hugs! I cannot imagine how difficult it was to say goodbye, but I am so happy you had such a nice two and half weeks. Can't wait to hear all about your visit.

Love, Kelli

Heather said...

Looking at the photo of Don with the boys by the window at the airport brings tears to my eyes....
We love you all and are praying for all of you!
Love, Heather and AJ