Sunday, October 16, 2011

There is a 7 Year Old in the House!

As of September 28, we have a 7 year old in our house! It's amazing to think we've had this amazing little man living in our midst for 7 years already! It seems like only yesterday that we were discovering all the joys and challenges of becoming new parents. Phew! We've survived 7 years now!
Well, this year Benjamin decided that he wanted to have a Thor and Captain America themed birthday party. Much like his daddy, he loves his super heros! 

We rented an inflatable bouncy slide and we were fortunate to have unseasonably warm and sunny weather on the first Saturday in October! We celebrated with a few neighbor families as well as a few classmates. Overall, a perfect turnout to help celebrate his big day. 

The kids all received super hero masks as they arrived then had a blast on the inflatable slide, played a few games and decorated little pumpkins. Then we enjoyed some sandwiches, snacks and cake. Before we knew it the party was wrapping up and Benjamin was giving out his party favors and saying farewell to his guests. 

We are so proud of Benjamin and the amazing guy that he is. He loves to sing, laugh, build with Legos,  and race his neighbor friend to the bus stop every morning to be first on the bus. He plays soccer, is discovering what being a Boy Scout is all about, and continually amazes us with new facts he learns and is continually discovering things in our world to be fascinated by.

It's been a great journey parenting Benjamin and we are so thankful that God blessed us with him.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Chapmans in Paris

Recently, some friends of ours contacted us to let us know they were headed to Paris and to see if we could meet up with them somewhere. We had yet to take the kids to Paris and although we wanted to this past summer the opportunity wasn't there once Don had to go to the states for over a month during the summer. 

So we had a nice weekend in Paris over Columbus Day weekend! We took the train Saturday afternoon and didn't get to Paris until almost dinnertime. So, we checked into our hotel and met our friends near the Eiffle Tower. We enjoyed dinner with our friends (some former neighbors from Ashburn who were in Paris for a week) and then headed back to the hotel. 

On Sunday we got an early start and boarded the train to head outside of Paris over to Disneyland Paris. It was pouring rain when we got off the train. 

But we were all still happy to be at Disneyland. There are two Disney parks there. One is based on the Magic Kingdom in Florida and the other is Disney Studios. We chose to go to Magic Kingdom for the day. So, our first stop was to purchase some rain ponchos for those of us that weren't quite equipped for the rain for the day. Then we went on the Buzz Lightyear ride which all the kids LOVED! Then we headed for It's a Small World, the Tea Cups and then lunch. 

After lunch it wasn't raining so much. Thank goodness!!!! So, the rest of our day was a bit more enjoyable. There were character shows outside with Halloween themes and we enjoyed some more rides, shows and food! The boys even got to meet Darth Vader at the Star Tours ride. Overall, a fantastic day despite the rain.

Then we headed back to the train (there is a train station that goes right to the Disney parks!). It was already dark out and the kids were tired out (except for Grace who had napped in her stroller earlier in the day). Both Benjamin and Samuel fell asleep hard. The train ride was about 45 minutes and then we had to switch trains in Paris. The boys were tired, crabby and disoriented. We all just wanted to be back at the hotel. But luckily our hotel was very close to the train station... literally across the street. So, it wasn't so bad.

On Monday, we aimed for another early start but everyone was still pretty tired from Disneyland. We made it to the Eiffle Tower around 10 a.m. and met up with our friends again. We got in line for the elevators and took the elevator to the 2nd floor and enjoyed some views then continued on to the top floors. It was rather cool and windy up top with some very high (airplane like) views of Paris. The kids really enjoyed it.

After spending time in the Eiffle Tower we walked across the street and picked up some crepes (yum!) and sandwiches from one of the stands. We visited with our friends some more over lunch then headed back to our hotel to pick up bags then back to the train. 

The kids all slept pretty hard on the train ride home so I guess that's a sign that we had a good trip! They were all tuckered out.  

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Our Soccer Star

Love this picture of Samuel (#9 Green).
I don't recall him catching that kind of air so
I'm glad I have the picture to prove it!
Last night was the kick off of Samuel's fall soccer season. This is his second season playing and he has a lot of fun. However, some of these pictures are a bit deceiving as he looks like he's really into the game... that's what I love about the pics! But  Samuel really enjoys dancing around and acting silly just as much as the other 4 and 5 year olds out there on the field... sometimes, I think he enjoys acting silly more than the other kids. That's our Samuel!

Samuel and his good buddy running with the ball.

At his level there do not have goalies guarding the net... however, 
Samuel seemed to make it his mission last night to guard 
the net, swing from the goal posts, conk his head on the goal posts, etc. 

Samuel and his AMAZING hair running in an animated fashion across the field.

"Hi Mom! I know you're taking my picture!"

Monday, August 29, 2011

Gracie on the Mend

This week we had the opportunity to attend a MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers) play date at a local pool. It was the first time the kids and I had ventured to the pool so I was a bit nervous with 3 kids near water but it ended up being a fantastic time! They had a great kiddy area and a pool that all the kids were able to stand and swim in.

As soon as we got into the car leaving the pool, Grace was sleeping and shortly after that Samuel was asleep as well! A successful play date in my book!

Once we got home, Samuel woke up and Grace continued to nap for quite awhile. When she woke up I was surprised to find out she was burning up with a fever. After several doses of Motrin and a rough night's sleep we were off to the Acute Care Clinic to see what was going on with our sweet little girl.

As I suspected, Grace had double ear infections so we left with more Tylenol and an antibiotic. When we got home she fell asleep at the table... as in, sitting at her chair with head on the table... sound asleep.

After a few doses of antibiotics she seems to be on the mend today! Phew! She slept until nearly 10 a.m. and woke up all smiles! I snapped a few pics of her being her happy charming self this morning. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Just a Few Photos

It's been forever since I posted so I thought I'd at least take a minute to post some pics. We've had a fun-filled busy summer and have lots more to share... in another blog post soon!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Cousins Have Arrived!

This summer we are fortunate to have our niece Ellen visit us until August! And our nephew Matthew is here until the end of June! They haven't even been here a full week yet but we sure have been keeping busy with them and having a blast! 

All three of my kids adore them and are just thrilled to have their cousins here.

On Saturday we went to downtown Heidelberg and enjoyed the Hauptstrasse (or walking street) and then made our way up to the Heidelberg Castle. It was a lot of walking accompanied by a bit of wining from my kiddos but a good time overall. Matthew and Ellen definitely enjoyed the day regardless of the walking. The Castle is a great local attraction here in Heidelberg.

Yesterday we headed to the Speyer Technik Museum. It houses all kinds of vehicles and has some fun rides also. We enjoyed the morning there (minus Benjamin since he still has a few days of school left!) 

It looks like we're off to a great start for super summer!

(Including a little video clip of Matthew and Samuel on one of the coin operated rides at the Speyer Technik Museum). 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Samuel Going Deutsch!

A few weeks ago, the kids and I packed up the car and headed about 3 hours or so from home to Parsburg, Germany near where Don had a trip for work. We weren't too sure what to expect... but after huge traffic delays on the way there and Benjamin catching a stomach bug, we ended up having a fabulous weekend trip.

We spent one day in nearby Regensburg and enjoyed the sights and huge local Dult Fest. But of course, if you ask the kids what their favorite part of the weekend was they'd report that it was the hotel pool!

I will try to post more pics from the fest but I thought I would share a few of Samuel in his new lederhosen he got in Regensburg.

He looks super charming in them!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Off to London!

Last month we went to London, England for Spring Break. Now that we have Benjamin in school we are amongst the mass exodus of those that vacation during school breaks.

This year we chose London as our Spring Break destination. We are halfway through our tour here in Germany and we have been given a great opportunity to visit a lot of different places throughout Europe. The kids are sometimes winey and weary on trips but overall they continue to surprise us with how adaptable they can be and how much they embrace new and different experiences and cultures (ie: different food, unique bathrooms, etc.)

London is one of the largest cities in Europe which can presents some challenges in traveling with kids. Don and I were constantly looking over our shoulders and counting in threes to make sure the kids were all accounted for. We spent four days in London.

And this is what we did:

Day 1: Walked along the Thames River and over the Millenium Bridge to St. Paul's Cathedral - toured the outside; Continued on to The London Eye (which is a huge ferris wheel). Stopped at a children's park there then on the 30 minute slow moving "ride" on the Eye. Went on a boat cruise and toured the sights from the Thames River. Watched a 3D movie experience about London which scared poor Samuel out of his shoes.

Day 2: We went on a double-decker red bus tour. This allowed us to see most of the city then we got off the bus near Kensington Gardens so we could take the kids to Princess Diana's Memorial Playground.

Day 3: We got Krispy Kreme Donuts! (Which was a welcome treat since they don't have Krispy Kremes in Germany). We took the London Underground or Tube over near Westminster Abbey. We walked to Buckingham Palace and visited the Royal Mews (or horse and carriage stables). We missed the carriage which Prince William and his new bride were to use after their marriage ceremony by just minutes! (As they took it from display to prepare it for the big day). Then we stopped at a playground just across from Buckingham Palace. When you travel with kids you tend to take note where any and all playgrounds might be and welcome the break for the kids to just be kids.
After eating some hot dogs there we continued on to Westminster Abbey. The kids were tired by this point but they mustered up some energy after taking a brief rest. We picked up a kids' guide of the Abbey that had the boys searching for all sorts of animals and interesting things throughout the tour.

Day 4: We walked along the Thames River and over the Tower Bridge to the Tower of London (which was used as a prison starting in 1100 AD). We toured the grounds with a Beefeater which was entertaining and interesting all at once. After the guided tour Samuel and I ducked into an area that holds some of the Crown Jewels then Don and Benjamin toured one of the towers. We took a black taxi back to our hotel to pick up our luggage then were off to the train station... a quick flight back to Germany and a 2 hour drive from the airport and we were home from our whirlwind trip to London.

Overall, a great trip... Benjamin loved seeing Big Ben up close and in person and hopefully, will always remember some of the things we did on our trip. Samuel wants to go back!
Why? Because he would like to pick up another knight and horse figure (like the ones they got in the Buckingham Palace gift shop!) I took pictures of our lil Grace with as many of the London landmarks that I could so hopefully she will at least remember our trip through pictures!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Brothers and Their Little Sister

I have three older brothers and I love them all! Which is one of the reasons I delight in how Grace's brothers adore her and enjoy playing with her. They are naturals at entertaining her and love to laugh with her... and often at things she is doing or wearing. After all, she is quite entertaining just being her cute adorable silly little self.

Each of our children bring something unique and charming to our family... here are some pics of them enjoying one another...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Grace On the Soccer Sidelines

Grace stays busy and entertains herself quite a bit during the boys soccer practices and games. She has become quite the sports fan and now yells out "Go! Go!" from the sidelines.

I thought these pics that I took during one of Benjamin's recent games were too cute not to share! I think her smile and laughter is rather contagious.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Soccer Time

It's that season again... both boys are playing soccer this time around and Daddy is coaching Samuel's team!

The boys are all having fun and it's keeping our family on the go during the week! Luckily, the boys' practice at the same time and are at fields next to each other.
And their games are scheduled during the week so we have our weekends soccer free!

Benjamin had the chance to play goalie one game and did a great job stopping a goal... and of course, he lit up as soon as he stopped the ball! It was such an exciting moment for him and I was lucky enough to catch some pics of him basking in the glory!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Benjamin at 6 AND a half!

I took a few snapshots of Benjamin the other day while we were at Samuel's soccer game... I just thought I'd post a few of our handsome 6 1/2 year old (and if you've ever had a 6 1/2 year old then YOU know you can't forget that 1/2!)

Benjamin continues to amaze us with his young mind. He truly enjoys school and is soaking up so much on a daily basis in kindergarten. He seems to remember everything and he comes home from school so happy and willing to share all the new facts he's learned.

He has an awesome Spanish teacher who has sparked an interest in not only the Spanish language but also the hispanic culture and history. He was excited to tell about Cinco de Mayo and the significance of Mexico beating the French.
He has also learned lots of songs in Spanish this year and this coming Friday the parents have been invited to Spanish class for a special program. And, after attending his Spanish Christmas program, I'm looking forward to this upcoming program. They dance, they sing... who knew learning Spanish could be SO MUCH FUN!

He also LOVES to sing and has such a joyful spirit. Some of his current favorite songs to belt out at any given time are "We Will Rock You," "Walkin on Sunshine," "Summer of '69," and his all time fav, "Eye of the Tiger."

We adore our lil man so much and could go on and on about him but I will restrain and leave it at that for now.