Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Grace at 16 months

Here's a pic I took of Grace a couple of weeks ago. She is already 16 months old and discovering new things every day. Her latest accomplishment was climbing to the top of her brothers' bunk bed. AHHHHHH!!!! Somebody STOP that lil girl!

But she is precious and sweet and LOVES a good book. When she is quiet and not in my view I worry and think she is into something or climbing somewhere she shouldn't be but I often find her sitting quietly with a book.... just looking at pictures.

Grace also enjoys wearing anyone and everyones shoes that are bigger than hers around the house. It seems to be a daily occurrence that someones shoe is missing as we try to get out the door.

She also loves necklaces and hats! She has some beads that she puts on and takes off all the time. (No one warned me that girls are pre-programmed for this kind of stuff). And she also enjoys hats! She has an assortment of winter hats (mostly hand-made from my Aunt Shirley) and she often puts on anywhere from 1 to 4 hats at a time. It keeps her busy and she often puts a giggle in our family's hearts.

We love our sweet and busy little girl!


Anonymous said...

Sue we can wait to see you all!! She is so cute!!!!

Love, Aunt Nancy

Kristin said...

Love all the info about Grace! What a beautiful girl. Miss you lots!

- Kristin B.