There are sooooo many great pictures of our new little girl that I want to share but yet I haven't been able to find the time lately to get on the blog... so, I will post a bunch now. Here is one from each day of her life so far...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Our Family of Five

Today my Mom and Harry left for a stop off in Philadelphia and New Jersey before continuing on for a visit with family in Massachusetts (where my mom was born and raised). We had a great time with them and truly
appreciate all they helped us with. We have had a lot going on and they really jumped right in and did all they could which I'm sure was exhausting on them at times. Harry painted, sanded and fixed numerous things. He had several projects going on daily and became a regular at our local Home Depot! We know if it wasn't for him lots of these projects would have gone unfinished and we are so very grateful for all he did around our house. Benjamin noticed all that Papa was doing and said several times "Papa
can fix anything."

My mom also jumped right in and helped with the boys and Grace once she arrived. She cooked meals for us (and if you know my mom, you know that cooking is not the highlight of her day). She also kept the boys busy, did some painting as well, did loads of laundry, etc., etc. We are really going to miss them the next couple of weeks but look forward to s
eeing them at their home in Illinois in the near future.

The boys have been adjusting great to having a new little sister in their home. When they visited us at the hospital the day she was born, Benjamin declared "She's beautiful!" and has said it several time since. However, he really doesn't pay too much attention to her and just kind of does his own thing. Samuel on the other hand really wants to hold his baby sister every chance he gets. He adores her and
loves to tickle her piggy toes and kiss her lil head. So far they are both kind and gentle with their sister.

Friday, July 24, 2009
Welcome Grace Josephine

We left for the hospital Saturday night when I found myself recognizing a few early signs of labor... but I was really feeling pretty good. My contractions were about 10 minutes apart and not too unbearable until we actually got to Bethesda National Naval Medical Center (which is about 45 minutes away from our home).
When I arrived they monitored the baby and assessed where I was in my labor. They said I wasn't actually in active labor yet but gave me the option to either walk around for awhile (without actually being admitted) then return and be reevaluated or I could get Patocin
(a drug that helps bring on labor) which would put me into active labor. I opted for the later and decided I didn't really want to walk around for an hour or two... I was ready to meet this baby!

So, I was admitted... however, I did not actually end up needing the Patocin! It was somewhat of a long night but once I received pain medication via epidural I was comfortable and actually able to sleep through contractions even while laboring. Ahhhh... the advantages of pain medications. By the time they came to see how I was progressing and were ready to administer the Patocin, the doctor said I didn't need it and I would continue to progress just
fine on my own.

Don slept on a fold out couch bed in the delivery suite. [The Labor and Delivery Deck at the Navy hospital is really nice and modern. This is where we have welcomed all three of our children into the world.]
Sometime around 5 a.m
. the doctor came in and evaluated my progress. He said get ready to start pushing. "Hmm..." I thought "this might be a good time to wake up my husband!" The doctor left briefly and I shouted Don's name a few times. He jumped up and was quickly fully awake and ready to help out. Before we knew it we had a baby crying. Phew. (None of my labors have been traumatic or miserable... but I must say this was my easiest labor!)

Everything happened so fast and a doctor and nurse just took the baby over to a nearby table to clean her up. I figured the baby was a boy (I just had that feeling for the majority of the pregnancy) so I didn't even ask t
he baby's gender. Then the nurse said "Would you like to know what your baby is?" and I said "Yes." and I think everyone in the room said "It's a girl"... not in unison or anything but I know I heard it more than once... almost like an echo. I was in awe. (I still can't believe it.) Tears came streaming out as I just felt like I was in a dreamlike state. Seriously? A GIRL? wow. I looked at Don... he was beaming... "You knew we were having a girl?" (He had found out during an earlier ultrasound
but was sworn to secrecy). I can't believe he didn't slip. If anything I thought he may have slipped more by referring to the baby as a "he" throughout the pregnancy.

Anyway, Grace is gorgeous (yes, I'm a little biased). She has more hair than either of our boys had at birth and it's dark. She's smaller (at 8 pounds) than either of the boys were too (they were both 8 lbs. 12 oz.) She's precious and a good baby so far. She sle
eps a lot and cries only to let us know she needs something. We could not ask for more. She's been a true blessing and I am thankful for God sending her to us every day.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Grandparents Arrive

And Benjamin could hardly wait to see his grandparents. He was asking for days if it was the day they were arriving so on Thursday he watched the clock all day (knowing that they'd arrive sometime around 2 p.m.)
We have had some busy but good days with them here.
On Saturday, Don and Harry were doing some work around the house so my mom and I ventured out to a nearby nature preserve area and took a little "hike" with the boys.

We had a nice time enjoying the outdoors and feeding ducks and
watching turtles and small fish. We came upon one turtle that was really good size and my mom was absolutely enthralled with the big guy. It was fun to see her so excited and enjoying the time with the boys and the turtle!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Good Friends

So, through the years we have not only stayed good friends with Dave but also his wonderful wife,
Nelly has become a dear friend of ours as well. And they have two children who are the same ages as our kids! We often get together and spend time together at our homes or out and about. They were a big support for me while Don was deployed to Iraq and I am forever grateful for their friendship (then and always).

Anyways, I took these photos of the kids in their backyard. Although their son, Reed had already tuckered out for the night. We'll have to sneak in another get tog
ether with them before our departure to get a photo of all the kids together. We're all going to miss them dearly but look forward to them visiting us in Germany and seeing some of Europe with them then!

Vacation Bible School
It was a fantastic week of fun and fellowship but took a lot of energy which often made for some tiring days! Most of the days we had 21 kids in our class... including Benjamin and his best friend, Jack.

Benjamin LOVED Vacation Bible School and didn't want it to end. He learned lots of songs, enjoyed crafts as well as many other things we did throughout the week.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
More on Our Virginia Beach Trip

One night we rented one of these family bicycles. I thought the boys would love it. Apparently, it wasn't Don's favorite activity... he complained about it the minute we started peddling! And, of course, being 8 months pregnant... I was not a high speed peddler! We rode it along the boardwalk and stopped fo
r dinner at a hotel we had eaten at during a prior visit to Virginia Beach. We sat out on a screened in porch and enjoyed dinner. It was fun except for the dark clouds that started rolling in accompanied by lightening off in the distance and there we were with the boys and this bicycle built for four! ugh. Fortunately, we managed to scarf down dinner and peddle back as fast as we could to miss the thunderous storm. It was
a memorial night for sure!

Benjamin LOVED playing in the ocean this year. He was not intimidated by the waves at all and could have stayed on the beach all day. So, Don and I took turns spending time with him on the beach while Samuel napped in the afternoons. It worked out well. One of the days, Samuel and I had a good nap and the next Samuel and Don got a good rest.
Samuel loved the beach too. Mostly, he enjoyed playing in the sand with the sand toys. But he did go into the water on a few occasions with Daddy.

And we all loved the hotel's pools. They had an outdoor pool, an indoor pool and a small lazy river indoor as well. The boys both LOVED the lazy river so we found ourselves spending a lot of time floating around there.
In addition to the actual beach, we took a couple trips close by to visit the Virginia Aquarium where we also took a pontoon boat out into the harbor. It was relaxing an
d enjoyable after walking around and exploring the aquarium exhibits. We also enjoyed a morning at a local water park. They had a nice size area for the lil kids t
o explore and Daddy also took them each down a couple of the bigger water slides. Overall, it was a great trip with some rainy nights but we managed to escape the rain during the days. We stopped at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg on the way back but I will have to post photos from that excursion in yet another post!

This was our third trip to Virginia Beach. We have tried to make it into a Father's Day weekend tradition... but, of course, last year during Daddy-O's deployment we didn't make it to the beach. We were all thankful to have Daddy home with us to enjoy Father's Day this year. I think we will all miss our annual trip to Virginia Beach but are eager to explore all that Europe has to offer!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July

The boy had a blast running around and playing with each other. We cooked out and enjoyed dinner together. Once it got dark we watched some fireworks in the distance and the boys enjoyed throwing snap pops and lighting sparklers.

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!

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