Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our Sunshiney Morning

Today was a another beautiful day that turned into an evening of thunderstorms... it seems to be quite the routine here lately. I'm not complaining... everything is green and we have still been able to enjoy much of the sunshine during the daylight hours.

The morning started with Benjamin waking at 5:30 a.m. ugh. He hasn't done that in awhile and I've recently been enjoying sleeping until around 7 a.m. Ahhhh... the life. I know I will soon be sleep deprived once again when the baby arrives next month but I so do enjoy those mornings that both boys manage to sleep until 7 a.m.

The boys and I spent much of the morning hours outside in the backyard today. They have a sandbox and a water table (among other things) in our small backyard to keep them busy. It was a nice warm morning... not sweltering hot and the boys enjoyed putting monster trucks into the sandbox, burying them, rediscovering them, then rinsing them in the water table. I think they could have done this for endless hours. But eventually it came to lunch time. So, we all came in and the boys quickly disappeared up the stairs while I picked up the backyard a bit.

As I came up the stairs, Benjamin was coming down the stairs and announced that we will no longer be able to go poo poo in their bathroom. hmm... Interesting, I thought. "Why is that Benjamin?" Apparently, the toilet paper roll hanger had come unscrewed from the wall and was no longer holding toilet paper. So, in his mind, this lead to no more being able to wipe the ol bottom in his bathroom. Funny how that mind works sometimes!

So, I told him mommy would fix that with a screw driver and I was on my way. Then I entered the bathroom and discovered Samuel perched up on the sink counter top bathing his feet in the sink. Yes, they were sandy and griddy from playing out in the sandbox but I didn't realize he'd take matters into his own hands (or feet in this case). All he said to me was "Soap." So, we finished washing up his piggy toes and moved onto fixing the toilet paper roll mount then were onto lunch.

Overall, we had a good day which included a visit from our teenage babysitter... which allowed me to run a couple of errands and receive a much needed reprieve! (I'm so happy that the schools are almost out for the summer here and that I can soon have her come help more often!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy just look at those Illinois Hosta's grow. I guess you don't have the rabbits that we have. Mom