Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our Eggstrodinary Easter

We had a busy but fun-filled Easter! When we started our day to shouts of joy coming from Benjamin's room "It's Easter Day! It's Easter Day!" He always wakes up soooooo happy (whether we're ready for it or not!).

When we went downstairs the boys were quick to notice that the Easter Bunny had visited and they had Easter baskets on the dining room table. They were delighted with all their treats.

I had been telling Benjamin for weeks that on Easter he was going to wear a shirt with buttons. If you keep up with our blog, you may remember that our Benjamin despises buttons. I keep thinking he is going to outgrow this aversion but that day is yet to come. So, when I was getting ready for church and blow drying my hair I could hear some crying and carrying on even over the noise of the blow dryer. hmm. I turned off the blow dryer and asked Don what was going on. His response, "Do you really want to know?" This, was Daddy following through on Mommy's promise to Benjamin that he WOULD wear a button down shirt on Easter. Once it was on and some buttons were concealed by a tie and vest sweater, I think he pretty much forgot he was wearing it! Mission accomplished.
We were off to church at 9 a.m. I volunteered in the nursery during part of a morning social time then I got to meet up with Don and enjoy some fellowship time and yummy breakfast as well. This year our church did a special Easter program that consisted of a play. Both Benjamin and Daddy took part in the play. Benjamin sang with the other children and was also an angel. Considering he is the youngest one out of the group of children, he did quite well. He was jumping up and down a bit, moving around more than the other kids and attempted to put his vest sweater over his knees. We weren't really sure what stunt he was going to pull next but I think he managed to entertain most of the congregation as we enjoyed lots of feedback on his stellar performance. One of the pictures of Benjamin dressed as an angel he looks quite pitiful; however, he really wasn't upset about being an angel but they had been in the church, expected to sit quietly much longer than usual... once he saw me smiling at him he perked up a bit.

Don acted as one of the travelers going to visit Jesus' empty tomb. I think he was thankful that he didn't have a speaking part and he did a great job as did all the participants in the play.

Immediately following church, there was an Easter Egg Hunt on the church grounds. It was a little cool outside but that didn't stop the kids. They had a blast seeking out the hidden Easter egg treasures.

We got home from church around 12 p.m. and Don put all of our prepared Easter dinner into the oven. I declare Easter as my "No Cook Holiday." We are always so rushed with church and trying to eat dinner before nap time that it has just become easier to run to the Honeybaked Ham store and pick up their lovely ham and prepared side dishes.

Anyway, while the meal was heading up we headed outside for a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. There were about eight kids and they were so excited. It seemed like there were eggs everywhere but it only took the kids a matter of minutes to find them all. They sure had a good time!

We were a bit rushed but managed to visit with the neighbors briefly before we headed back in for our dinner. By this time the boys were eager to gobble up all the treats they'd collected throughout the day. They did pretty good though and managed to make it through our dinner.

Don was off to Germany on Sunday for a conference and get acquainted trip with his future coworkers. So, it wasn't long after dinner that we were heading to the airport to drop Daddy off. We were thankful, however, that he was able to be here and share the excitement of Easter with us this year before he had to depart.

The boys were wiped out... as was I. And they both started to doze off on the 15 minute ride home from the airport. I managed to carry Samuel up to his bed (which is getting harder and harder for me to do as he and I both continue to gain wait!). Then Benjamin and I laid down for a rest. I did manage to sneak a little nap in while Benjamin enjoyed a little t.v. time.

Overall, our Easter was awesome, even though Don had to leave on his trip.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I love their cute Easter sweater vests!