Sunday, November 9, 2008

Some Fall Photos and Q&As

These are some photos I took of the boys playing outside last Monday. I think you can tell by the photos that they were having fun just wrestling around being the silly the boys they are.

In addition to posting these photos, I thought I'd answer some questions that have seemed to come up pretty frequently recently:

How are the boys taking to Don being home?
Absolutely great! Benjamin was excited to have him home from the moment he saw him while Samuel was a bit more reserved. But now Samuel adores his Daddy as much as his big brother does.

Is Don going to be home for awhile now?
Yes! Hopefully, he will not go back but time will tell. They are supposed to be given at least a year stability that they will not have to move after they get home.

Where is Don working now?
He is working about 45 minutes from home in Falls Church, Virginia with the Army Medical Corps Health Facility Planning Agency. He had been there a few years back and was actually working for them while deployed. Although, he has been working from home a few days a week to complete some coursework he needs to get done and seems to be making great progress on it. (That commute is awesome!)

When will you move and where?
Right now it is looking like we will be heading to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas in the Spring/Summer time frame. Of course, nothing is for sure in the Army until the orders are cut. (Anyone looking for a roomie three bedroom townhouse in Ashburn, Virginia?)

Does Don seem different? How is Don sleeping?
He is doing just fine! Great actually. He is more helpful than ever (or maybe it just seems like that after going solo for 16+ months). And besides his nightly dose of snoring, he is sleeping just fine.
Overall, I think we're getting back to normal everyday life and just appreciating so many little things. And we're all loving being together again.
Any other questions? Post em in the comments and I'll try to answer them.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Will you still keep blogging even after you move to TX?? :-)

I would still love to be able to watch your boys grow and hear all the cute stories after you move through your blog!!!!

It sounds like things have been wonderful since Don has been back!!