Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I see London, I see France...

This morning I told Benjamin to get some underwear out of his drawer and Samuel came out of Benjamin's room with his brother's underwear on his head. Our house erupted with laughter and when Benjamin saw how silly it was he joined in and put his underwear on his head too. They were quite the clowns. I managed to snap a few photos of this craziness.

Lately, Benjamin has been repeating some things that Samuel does then he says "Samuel taught me this!" It's usually silly things that one year olds tend to do and it usually ends up putting us all in a fit of laughter.

The other day in the bathtub Samuel started putting these little cups to his mouth and holding them with his mouth. Benjamin joined in and the two of them were quite entertaining. Unfortunately, by the time I got the camera only Benjamin was still playing with the cups in this fashion.


Anonymous said...

Nice hats guys!

Love you!

Miss you!

Aunt Gloria

Anonymous said...

hope there were no skid marks.


Anonymous said...

That is so funny!!!