Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Don is off to begin his mission.

Today marks one week, exactly, almost to the minute (ironically), that Don boarded his plane to begin his journey. First stop: Ft. Lewis, Washington (state). The boys and I took him to the airport. Don traveled in uniform which has it's perks...we were able to accompany him to the gate which worked out well. His flight was delayed a bit. And we had time to have lunch together and visit before we said our farewells.

People are so respectful and nice to a guy in uniform. It's nice that he's appreciated...and thanked by people who don't even know him. I'm proud of him.

Benjamin really enjoyed hanging out at the airport with Daddy. Then he fell asleep all the way back to the car!

As soon as we arrived home, Benjamin noticed Daddy's car and said "Daddy's home!" ahh. The challenges begin. I again explained to him on his terms that Daddy left on the airplane to work with the Army and that he'll be gone a long time.

Don called around 12:30 a.m. the night he left. There is a 3 hour time change which makes him calling back here a lil challenging at times. He arrived without a problem and they have him set up in some lovely old barracks from WWII. He said it brings him back to the simpler days when he first went off to advance camp (which was also at Ft. Lewis). So, he arrived and went to church and got somewhat settled in before that brief phone call home to let me know he arrived.

Benjamin's been great! His rambuxious self. We rode in Daddy's car the other night and some questions about Daddy arose again. And everytime we see an airplane he thinks Daddy is in it. It makes you wonder what's going on in that 2 year old's mind and what does he really understand? hmm.

Well, Don left on Wednesday and on Friday my sister-in-law, Nancy and neice, Ellen arrived. We have been having a nice visit. It's awesome to have the help. I have to admit I am getting quite spoiled! They will be here until Sunday.

Don has called a few times since he left but usually it is in the evenings and Benjamin has been sleeping. So, we arranged for him to call last night so he could talk to Benjamin. We went up to the pool after dinner and rushed home to be there at 7:30 p.m. for Daddy's call. But there was already a couple of messages on the answering machine. Really? That's it? We're going to miss Daddy's call? I was a bit deflated. He was going to go to a baseball game with a couple of other guys. Great for him! But wait...he said he'd try to call one more time before they were off. Phew.

7:40 p.m. Phone rings. It's Daddy! Hip Hip Hooray! Don was able to borrow a cell phone from someone on the way to the ball game. After Benjamin heard Daddy's message on the machine all he was focused on was the fact that Daddy was going to a baseball game. So, Don tries to ask some questions and Benjamin is interested, briefly. Then says "I wanna go to a baseball game." Someday, lil buddy. Then he makes his other usual conversation "I wanna go to Great Wolf Lodge. I slept in a bunk bed. I'll call you back." That's it. That's all Benj had to say today.

I feel a bit relieved that he didn't ask when he was coming home or ask where he was. We talk briefly too and say goodnight. Time for Benjamin to get to bed.


DonChap23 said...

Well, I have been at Fort Lewis for about 10 days now. It's cloudy often and rains frequently. Most days it has been in the mid to high 60s. There was a heat wave at 83 degrees one day this week. Today (Saturday) is sunny and quite pleasant.

I miss everyone at home and am already looking forward to returning.

Anonymous said...

Hi you guys =)!!

Gotta love the internet?!

Steve called this morning and said that Don had left. Then came this link!

Just wanted to pop on and tell you that I'm thinking about you guys!

Don- have a safe journey.

Sue- I know that we live like eons away, but SERIOUSLY, if there is ANYTHING that we can do... PLEASE don't hesitate to ask.

Heather said...

I was unaware Don had been deployed! Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with our men/women serving, but now we can add someone very close and special to our list. I look forward to keeping up. The internet is so priceless to keep in touch. We love you!!!
Heather and AJ

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey guys, glad to hear Don's trip to Ft. Lewis has been uneventful and we will be praying heavily that the next 11.5 months are the same...Keegan is so excited about coming out to help aunt Sue and getting some play time with Benjamin and helping with the baby. I think he secretly just wants out of mowing...kidding. This blog is going to be so kewl to hear from Don once in a while and to get updates on how thing are going in VA. Sue is that new McDonalds in Ashburn? I bet it is...The system I am working on was installed there. If you sneek a peek at the registers you should see pictures of the products...Well back to work. I will be checking for updates daily.

Love Kenny.

Askme10yearsago said...

Hi Chapmans! It's Sue's Cochran Ad buddy, Tiffany Fenech! Let me tell ya, my 6 year old, Livi, is totally patriotic and when she sees a military person, she yells, "Look mom, there's a Hero!! Right there! Can I run say 'Thank you?'" Also, she and Isabel love to play "Spot the American Flag" in the minivan every time we take a ride! Anyway, we are thankful for all you do and also praying for you guys. The Fenech Family (Tiff, Jason, Livi and Isabel)

Anonymous said...


Hmmm, potty training last week while Aunt Nancy was there??? She's the pro!!!

Seriously, though, you are in our thoughts and prayers daily for strength as Don is away. And for Don's protection as he serves. We love you guys so very much!!

Give Benjamin and Samuel big hugs from us!!

Caris, Uncle Toga, Evan, and Ian

Anonymous said...

Hi to all,

The internet amazes me and now are you telling me we can send messages to Don in Iraq. So bear we me I'm new at all of this.

Bob and I are praying for all of you and you will be always be in our thoughts. A big hug is going out to you all, from Uncle Bob and Aunt Shirley.

Kelli Polatty said...

We knew that time was close for Don to deploy, but can't believe that time is here already. We have been thinking about you all so much lately! We miss you all and are praying for the whole family to stay safe!

Kelli, Mills, Emlyn and Jeb

Anonymous said...

Don, Sue, Benjamin, and Samuel: We are proud and honored to be your friends! You are our real-life heroes. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Lynne & Chris

Marilyn C said...

Don, Sue, Benjamin and Samuel - we are so proud of your sacrifice during this time and for your service to this great country!

You were definitely missed at the annual Fourth of July celebration at the Marcum house. As always, the conversation was interesting, the food was delicious and it was nice to visit with family and friends.

We think of you often...may the Lord keep all of you safe in His hands and may He give you strength for the journey.

Mom & Dad Chapman