Monday, August 29, 2011

Gracie on the Mend

This week we had the opportunity to attend a MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers) play date at a local pool. It was the first time the kids and I had ventured to the pool so I was a bit nervous with 3 kids near water but it ended up being a fantastic time! They had a great kiddy area and a pool that all the kids were able to stand and swim in.

As soon as we got into the car leaving the pool, Grace was sleeping and shortly after that Samuel was asleep as well! A successful play date in my book!

Once we got home, Samuel woke up and Grace continued to nap for quite awhile. When she woke up I was surprised to find out she was burning up with a fever. After several doses of Motrin and a rough night's sleep we were off to the Acute Care Clinic to see what was going on with our sweet little girl.

As I suspected, Grace had double ear infections so we left with more Tylenol and an antibiotic. When we got home she fell asleep at the table... as in, sitting at her chair with head on the table... sound asleep.

After a few doses of antibiotics she seems to be on the mend today! Phew! She slept until nearly 10 a.m. and woke up all smiles! I snapped a few pics of her being her happy charming self this morning. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Just a Few Photos

It's been forever since I posted so I thought I'd at least take a minute to post some pics. We've had a fun-filled busy summer and have lots more to share... in another blog post soon!