Monday, October 18, 2010

Our Monster Jam Fans

Here we are in Europe... Monster Jam Monster Trucks is NOT the rage here. It's probably barely heard of... but when Don got wind of the fact that Monster Jam was coming to put on a show in Holland and it was the weekend before Benjamin's birthday, he was not going to let our boys miss out on the action.
So, Don got online and figured that he could make the Saturday afternoon show in Holland (a few hours away from us) and drive there in back in one day.
I opted to stay home with Grace as the shows are VERY LOUD and our Grace doesn't sit still for much these days anyway so the thought of wrestling her for the entire show didn't seem appealing to me.

They got up and moving early that Saturday morning as all three of the boys were excited about their adventure. However, we couldn't find the Dramamine that morning and it has been proven that our Benjamin does get car sick.
We hoped he'd be fine and off they went. About two ours after they left I received a message from Don that Benjamin had gotten sick in the car. ugh. I felt bad for all of them. However, it didn't stop the fun of their outing.

That night upon their return the boys came bursting in the door rambling with excitement about their day. They LOVED Monster Jam and Daddy totally spoiled them with souvenirs (I asked if there were anything left their for the other fans!) Even Daddy got a Monster Jam World Tour shirt and confessed that "Everyone has a little redneck in 'em."

Overall, a very memorable day in the lives of our young monster truck lovers' lives.

There is a 6 YEAR OLD in the HOUSE!

AHHHHH!!! I'm so behind on my blog posts! Life has been keeping us crazy busy. I feel like we've been in a bit of a whirlwind since we returned from Spain at the beginning of September. And I thought I'd have extra time on my hands with Benjamin in all day kindergarten and Samuel in German kindergarten five days a week, if even for a few hours. Unfortunately, it seems like I'm running around more than ever.

Well, we've had some BIG events going on here! One of which is that we now have a 6 year old in our house! Yes, 6! I can't believe our big guy is 6!

So, his actual birthday fell during the week this year so I went to school to help him celebrate with his classmates. They are allowed to bring a treat for snack time for their classmates. I figured I would make cupcakes and he'd be delighted. But when I told him I was going to bring cupcakes he had other plans in mind. He wanted to bring strawberry ice cream cones!
(Yes, Ms. Katie, I know you're laughing... ICE CREAM! He's just like his Mom, huh? Although, I wouldn't have chosen strawberry.) So, I contacted his teacher the week before to work out the logistics and make sure I wouldn't have a melty mess on my hands and she gave me the go ahead. So, the kids were delighted to share an ice cream treat that day with our birthday boy... although, I did add an additional flavor for those that didn't want Strawberry... AND it did in fact, end up being a bit of a melty mess but not one kindergarten complained!

I also let him pick what we would have for dinner that night... and he chose.... BREAKFAST for dinner! That's my boy! (I remember loving when my mom would make French toast for dinner when I was a kid... there is nothing like my mom's french toast!)

We celebrated with a lovely Belgian funny face waffle dinner... a candle for the nose for the occasion. Then he enjoyed ripping opening his birthday gifts while Grandma Pat and Pappa Harry joined us via skype (video conferencing).

The weekend following his birthday we joined efforts with one of his best buddies here and their family and all of our friends... including a couple of boys from his kindergarten class... and celebrated his birthday with food, games, presents, a bouncy castle and his requested Monster Jam Monster Truck cake. The party went well and he had a great time!